Sunday, September 23, 2007

behavior changes

Deciding my ecological goals was easier for me because I felt that personally there are limitless changes I could make to correct my unsustainable behaviors. I started off small because I was overwhelmed with the amount of behavior change ideas I was coming up with and I knew I wouldn’t go through with them if I didn’t choose a few that I really wanted to succeed at.
My first ecological goal was to completely stop buying disposable water bottles. I bought a few quality refillable water bottles and so far I haven’t bought a single disposable bottle. I have had to change my daily behavior by bringing a water bottle when I leave in the morning and just remembering to keep track of it. I already lost one of the bottles, but I am actually glad because it put a value on it for me. Before I would buy water bottles and not care if I lost them or left them. Now it pains me to see people buying packs of water bottles because when they are available in mass amount they start to lose their value.
My second ecological goal was to only use the reusable grocery bags at Wegmans. I haven’t been as successful at this goal because I keep forgetting to bring the bags with me when I shop. I am working on remember to put the bags in a spot where I will remember to bring them.
The cultural goals were a little bit harder for me because they take me outside my comfort zone. My first goal was to try to subtly start getting my roommates to become more sustainable. I will casually throw in comments about what we could do to be greener because I know if I throw it in their faces they will only reject it.
I have also signed up for Citizens Campaign for the Environment which nonprofit organization that gets people to write about certain environmental subjects to their local and state government. The latest project is trying to get plastic water bottles to receive a 5 cent return fee. I plan on getting involved more in this organization and finding new ways I can participate.Overall the behavior change journal is helping me see how difficult it can be to remember my goals when performing my everyday routine. However, I feel like I am slowing changing my ways and beginning to see the positive effects they are making

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