Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bil Mckibbin at Cornell Wed 9/26 at 7

Author, Educator, and Environmentalist

Bill McKibben
"Building the Climate Movement"

Wed. September 26 David Call Auditorium Kennedy Hall
Cornell University
at 7PM

Free and open to the public.

Scott Perez
Natural Resources/American Indian Program

"It will be the stroke of midnight for the rest of our lives. It is too late for heroes. We need an accelerated intertwining of the over 1 million nonprofits and 100 million people who daily work for the preservation and restoration of life on earth.... The language of sustainability is about ideas that never end: growth without inequality, wealth without plunder, work without exploitation, a future without fear. A green movement fails unless there's a black-, brown-, and copper-colored movement, and that can only exist if the movement to change the world touches the needs and suffering of every single person on earth." -
Worldchanging.org 12/26/06

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