From the Sustainable Tompkins Just Sustainability Initiative
People's Garden Project - Supports neighborhood food production in low-income areas.(First Baptized Church of Christ,1st st., Northside) Jhakeem Haltom haltomj@gjr.tstboces.org
Urban Permaculture- Josh Dolan/Education programs and services. 280-5500 rainbowwarrior18474@yahoo.com
CSA Farms serving low-income families – e.g., Full Plate Farm Collective, http://www.fullplatefarms.org/, call Cooperative Extension-272-2292 for more
Greenstar Natural Food Coop- Making local foods more accessible, Liz Karabinakis 277-0080 x501
RIBS- Recycle Ithaca’s Bicycles - Bicycle re-use, access to quality bikes and maintenance skills regardless of identity or socioeconomic status. 530
Southern Tier Energy Smart- resource for making energy efficient homes more affordable. Gay Nicholson agn1@cornell.edu
Heating Solutions- Cooperative Extension- Ken Schlather - ks47@cornell.edu 272-2292
TC Solid Waste Management- Does sustainability education in many underserved communities- Linnet Short - 273-6632
Significant Elements - Non-profit building materials re-use outlet in the Southside.
TC Workers' Center,
www.TCWorkersCenter.org Advocates for economic justice and community-based economic development on many key fronts, including a living wage for all.
Multicultural Resource Center- Cooperative Extension,
Race Liberation Alliance- Focuses on reversal of racism and the links to sustainable living and sustainable community. Liz Field ebauchne@twcny.rr.com 280-1960
Just Sustainability Initiative -Sustainable Tompkins- Links the justice and sustainability agendas and constituencies . Elan Shapiro, elansla@ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us 275-0249
S.T.A.M.P. Southern Tier Advocacy and Mitigation Project, Leslie Jones, including - Guerrilla Griots Human Rights Media Arts Center - Jason Corwin info@guerrilla-griots.org 277.2122 Make & show films by at-risk local youth that combine justice and sustainability themes.
Alternatives Federal Credit Union- AFCU- Economic development for underserved populations. Deirdre Silverman, deirdre@alternatives.org, 216-3416
A.C.E.- Allies for Community Empowerment- Promotes West Side Economic Development, esp. of minority businesses- Amy Somchanhmavong ayk3@cornell.edu 254-8072
Projects and Organizations:
http://www.sustainable .org/casestudies/newyork/NY_af_melrose.html
Sustainable South Bronx -SSB- NYC- A community-based organization created in 2001 to implement sustainable development projects for the South Bronx- www.ssbx.org/ Check out the work of Majora Carter, head of SSB
Reclaim the Future,
“Our goal: Build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty”.
HS curriculum tools: http://ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=27&contentid=23
Urban Habitat
Urban Ecology
People's Grocery,
ACE Alternatives for Community and Environment,
Bethel New Life Chicago Green economic/community development in inner city area. bethelnewlife.org www.smartcommunities.ncat.org/success/bethel_new.shtml
Shaw EcoVillage: Building Youth Leaders and Sustainable Communities,
Green Institute Minneapolis www.greeninstitute.org
Growing Power,
Growing Prospects
Edens Lost & Found Media and
Liberation Ecology- Integrating social justice and sustainability, or “social and ecological health”- Rafter T. Sass, speaker/workshop leader/project designer, rafter@liberationecology.org 518-567-7407
Policy Link, Social & economic justice toolkit linked to “regional equity" and “equitable development” www.policylink.org
Institute for Public Policy Research- “Socially just environmental sustainability” http://www.ippr.org.uk/research/teams/?id=86&tid=86
Creating Community - Justice & Equity Resources http://www.sustainable.org/creating/justice.html
For many more relevant examples, see:
a) Sustainable Community Success stories
Don't miss "Collections of Success Stories" at the end, and:
b) Sustainable Community Case Studies
c) Sustainable Community Best Practices www.bestpractices.org/bpbriefs/index.html
Justice & Sustainability : Magazines, Reports, & Articles:
Community Jobs in the Green Economy- Apollo
Report on equity and the emerging green economy. Available free from publications@apolloalliance.org also see www.apolloalliance.org
Green Collar Jobs for Urban
Two Crises, One Solution by Van Jones
Other Van Jones articles: see www.ellabakercenter.org and Yes! magazine
Also, see 25 minute Van Jones video in video section below.
Solidarity Not Charity Interview with Shakoor Aljuwani on Hurricane Katrina
Rethinking Schools http://rethinkingschools.org/archive/21_01/soli211.shtml
Race, Poverty and the Environment - Environmental Justice and Sustainability magazine from Urban Habitat http://urbanhabitat.org/rpe/front
Where Justice & Sustainability Meet S. Y. Agyeman http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1076/is_6_47/ai_n14795803/pg_1
Justice, Sustainability and Democracy S. Y. Agyeman
Does “Buying Local” hurt the poor? Creating Real Prosperity
by Frances Moore Lappé www.yesmagazine.org/article.asp?ID=1548
Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice
J. Agyeman, NYU 2005
Van Jones: A Light at the Crossroads: Bridging the Environmental and Social Justice Movements http://ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=29&contentid=26
Environmental Justice Videos http://www.ejrc.cau.edu/videoarch.html
Media Rights, EcoJustice films http://www.mediarights.org/issue/environmen