Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Justice & Sustainability Resources


From the Sustainable Tompkins Just Sustainability Initiative


People's Garden Project - Supports neighborhood food production in low-income areas.(First Baptized Church of Christ,1st st., Northside) Jhakeem Haltom haltomj@gjr.tstboces.org

Urban Permaculture- Josh Dolan/Education programs and services. 280-5500 rainbowwarrior18474@yahoo.com

CSA Farms serving low-income families – e.g., Full Plate Farm Collective, http://www.fullplatefarms.org/, call Cooperative Extension-272-2292 for more

Ithaca Community Garden, Project Growing Hope, near Farmer's Market. Northside, www.lightlink.com/itgarden/ , Cally Arthur, carthur@twcny.rr.com

Greenstar Natural Food Coop- Making local foods more accessible, Liz Karabinakis 277-0080 x501

RIBS- Recycle Ithaca’s Bicycles - Bicycle re-use, access to quality bikes and maintenance skills regardless of identity or socioeconomic status. 530 W. Buffalo St. and Hwy 13N (Meadow St.) Thursdays 4-7, Saturdays 12-3 http://velonet.org/ribs/index.php 256-5355

Southern Tier Energy Smart- resource for making energy efficient homes more affordable. Gay Nicholson agn1@cornell.edu

Heating Solutions- Cooperative Extension- Ken Schlather - ks47@cornell.edu 272-2292

TC Solid Waste Management- Does sustainability education in many underserved communities- Linnet Short - 273-6632

Significant Elements - Non-profit building materials re-use outlet in the Southside. 212 Center St. & S.Plain Diane Cohn 277-3450 www.significantelements.org/significant_elem.htm

TC Workers' Center, 115 E. State Street, 269-0409 Pete Meyers

www.TCWorkersCenter.org Advocates for economic justice and community-based economic development on many key fronts, including a living wage for all.

Multicultural Resource Center- Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow St., Audrey Cooper 272-2292 Advocates for intercultural connection, understanding, and equity.

Race Liberation Alliance- Focuses on reversal of racism and the links to sustainable living and sustainable community. Liz Field ebauchne@twcny.rr.com 280-1960

Just Sustainability Initiative -Sustainable Tompkins- Links the justice and sustainability agendas and constituencies . Elan Shapiro, elansla@ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us 275-0249

S.T.A.M.P. Southern Tier Advocacy and Mitigation Project, Leslie Jones, including - Guerrilla Griots Human Rights Media Arts Center - Jason Corwin info@guerrilla-griots.org 277.2122 Make & show films by at-risk local youth that combine justice and sustainability themes.

Alternatives Federal Credit Union- AFCU- Economic development for underserved populations. Deirdre Silverman, deirdre@alternatives.org, 216-3416

A.C.E.- Allies for Community Empowerment- Promotes West Side Economic Development, esp. of minority businesses- Amy Somchanhmavong ayk3@cornell.edu 254-8072


Projects and Organizations:

Bronx Center Project "Don't Move, Improve” NYC. Neighborhood-based sustainable development in a low-income area of the Bronx. www.unesco.org/most/usa1.htm and

http://www.sustainable .org/casestudies/newyork/NY_af_melrose.html

Sustainable South Bronx -SSB- NYC- A community-based organization created in 2001 to implement sustainable development projects for the South Bronx- www.ssbx.org/ Check out the work of Majora Carter, head of SSB

Reclaim the Future, Ella Bakker Center, Oakland.Ca.

“Our goal: Build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty”.


HS curriculum tools: http://ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=27&contentid=23

Urban Habitat Oakland, Ca. Builds bridges between environmentalists, social justice advocates, government leaders, and the business community, in areas such as environmental health, equitable development, leadership development, & transportation. http://urbanhabitat.org/

Urban Ecology San Francisco, Ca. Aims to create vibrant Bay Area neighborhoods by listening to communities, designing neighborhood plans, advocating change, and serving as an information resource www.urbanecology.org

People's Grocery, West Oakland. Develops a socially just and sustainable food system in W. Oakland through community-based, youth-focused and innovative social enterprises, urban agricultural projects, educational programs and public policy initiatives http://peoplesgrocery.org/mission.html

Fruitvale Transit-Oriented Village Transit-based development of a Hispanic and Asian community along the BART line in Oakland, Ca. http://www.smartcommunities.ncat.org/success/fruitvale_bart.shtml

ACE Alternatives for Community and Environment, Boston www.ace-ej.org

Bethel New Life Chicago Green economic/community development in inner city area. bethelnewlife.org www.smartcommunities.ncat.org/success/bethel_new.shtml

Shaw EcoVillage: Building Youth Leaders and Sustainable Communities, Wash., DC www.shawecovillage.com/

Green Institute Minneapolis www.greeninstitute.org


Growing Power, Milwaukee. Supports people from diverse backgrounds and the environment in which they live by helping to provide equal access to healthy, high-quality, safe and affordable food http://www.growingpower.org/

Growing Prospects Winnipeg, Manitoba. Provides individuals on income assistance with the skills they need to find full-time employment in the horticulture and greenhouse industries. www.growingprospects.org

Edens Lost & Found Media and Policy Center focused on grass roots movements and projects to restore American cities - resources include action guides, dvd’s , book, newsletter, etc. www.edenslostandfound.org

Liberation Ecology- Integrating social justice and sustainability, or “social and ecological health”- Rafter T. Sass, speaker/workshop leader/project designer, rafter@liberationecology.org 518-567-7407

Policy Link, Social & economic justice toolkit linked to “regional equity" and “equitable development” www.policylink.org

Institute for Public Policy Research- “Socially just environmental sustainability” http://www.ippr.org.uk/research/teams/?id=86&tid=86

Creating Community - Justice & Equity Resources http://www.sustainable.org/creating/justice.html

For many more relevant examples, see:

a) Sustainable Community Success stories


Don't miss "Collections of Success Stories" at the end, and:

b) Sustainable Community Case Studies


c) Sustainable Community Best Practices www.bestpractices.org/bpbriefs/index.html

Justice & Sustainability : Magazines, Reports, & Articles:

Community Jobs in the Green Economy- Apollo Alliance/Urban Habitat

Report on equity and the emerging green economy. Available free from publications@apolloalliance.org also see www.apolloalliance.org

Green Collar Jobs for Urban America by Van Jones and Ben Wyskida


Two Crises, One Solution by Van Jones


Other Van Jones articles: see www.ellabakercenter.org and Yes! magazine


Also, see 25 minute Van Jones video in video section below.

Solidarity Not Charity Interview with Shakoor Aljuwani on Hurricane Katrina

Rethinking Schools http://rethinkingschools.org/archive/21_01/soli211.shtml

Race, Poverty and the Environment - Environmental Justice and Sustainability magazine from Urban Habitat http://urbanhabitat.org/rpe/front

Where Justice & Sustainability Meet S. Y. Agyeman http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1076/is_6_47/ai_n14795803/pg_1

Justice, Sustainability and Democracy S. Y. Agyeman


Does “Buying Local” hurt the poor? Creating Real Prosperity

by Frances Moore Lappé www.yesmagazine.org/article.asp?ID=1548



Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice

J. Agyeman, NYU 2005

Edens Lost & Found: How Ordinary Citizens are Restoring Our Great American Cities, H. Wiland and D. Bell, Chelsea Green is the companion book to the PBS series. Richly illustrated, it chronicles the grass-roots movements to revitalize America's urban landscapes and communities. www.edenslostandfound.org The book is available online



Van Jones: A Light at the Crossroads: Bridging the Environmental and Social Justice Movements http://ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=29&contentid=26

Edens Lost & Found – PBS series (see book above) DVD’s available online www.edenslostandfound.org

Environmental Justice Videos http://www.ejrc.cau.edu/videoarch.html

Media Rights, EcoJustice films http://www.mediarights.org/issue/environmen

Bil Mckibbin at Cornell Wed 9/26 at 7

Author, Educator, and Environmentalist

Bill McKibben
"Building the Climate Movement"

Wed. September 26 David Call Auditorium Kennedy Hall
Cornell University
at 7PM

Free and open to the public.

Scott Perez
Natural Resources/American Indian Program

"It will be the stroke of midnight for the rest of our lives. It is too late for heroes. We need an accelerated intertwining of the over 1 million nonprofits and 100 million people who daily work for the preservation and restoration of life on earth.... The language of sustainability is about ideas that never end: growth without inequality, wealth without plunder, work without exploitation, a future without fear. A green movement fails unless there's a black-, brown-, and copper-colored movement, and that can only exist if the movement to change the world touches the needs and suffering of every single person on earth." -
Worldchanging.org 12/26/06